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The Databricks connector for rudol allows you to connect your Databricks data warehouse instance.



We recommend using a Service Principal Identity to connect your Databricks, you can read more about this requirement and its specific details here. The following are recomendations to manage this identity.

  1. Create a new Databricks Service Principal. You can check here how to create a new Service Principal.
  2. Add the Service Principal to a Group. You can check here how to do this.
  3. Add the Group to which the Service Principal belongs to your SQL Warehouse Workspace. You can check here more info.
  4. Give the Group permission to Token Usage. You can check here how to do this.
  5. Generate a Databricks Personal Access token following this guide.

Connection parameters

Access TokenpasswordGenerated Access Token for Rudol Service Principal.
Server HostnametextServer Hostname value for your SQL warehouse. You can find it in the Connection Details section of your SQL Warehouse.
Http PathtextHTTP Path value for your SQL warehouse. You can find it in the Connection Details section of your SQL Warehouse.
CatalogtextCatalog name you want to ingest.

User permissions

We recommend limiting access to only the necessary database objects you intend to integrate with rudol. To do this you need to give your service account the following privileges:

  1. USE CATALOG privilege on any catalogs you want to ingest.
  2. USE SCHEMA privilege on any schemas you want to ingest.
  3. SELECT privilege on any tables you want to execute validations on.

You can check more information on privileges here

Here is a sample code to grant your service principal the necessary privileges:

GRANT USE_CATALOG ON CATALOG rudol TO `service-principal-uuid`;

GRANT USE_SCHEMA ON SCHEMA sample_schema TO `service-principal-uuid`;

GRANT SELECT ON SCHEMA sample_schema TO `service-principal-uuid`;

Restrict connections by IP Address

You can also restrict access to only accept incoming connections from the rudol public IP Address Check here for more information: Security and Privacy